====== Quick Navigation ====== * [[start|c:geo User Guide]] * [[start#about_cgeo|About c:geo]] * [[start#getting_started|Getting started]] * [[installation|Installation and update]] * [[firststeps|First steps with c:geo]] * [[basicuse|Basic use]] * [[loginproblems|Login problems]] * [[start#users_manual|Users manual]] * [[.mainmenu:start|Home Screen]] * [[.mainmenu:livemap|Map]] * [[.mainmenu:lists|Nearby Search]] * [[.mainmenu:lists|Stored caches]] * [[.mainmenu:search|Search]] * [[.mainmenu:settings|Settings]] * [[start#geocaches|Geocaches]] * [[cachedetails|Geocache Details]] * [[logging|Logging of Geocaches]] * [[cachevariables|Cache Variables]] * [[start#trackables|Trackables]] * [[trackabledetails|Trackable Details]] * [[loggingtb|Logging of Trackables]] * [[start#coordinates_and_navigation|Coordinates and Navigation]] * [[waypointcalculator|Waypoint calculator]] * [[navigation|Navigation]] * [[compass|Compass]] * [[offline|Offline caching]] * [[offline#gpx_import|GPX import]] * [[.mainmenu:pocketquery|Pocket queries]] * [[offline#offline_logging|Offline logging]] * [[offline#field_note_export|Field Notes]] * [[offlinemaps|Offline Maps]] * [[udc|User defined caches]] * [[start#quick_reference|Quick Reference]] * [[cacheicons|Geocache types]] * [[cachemarkers|Geocache markers]] * [[cachedetails#waypoint_types|Waypoint types]] * [[mapsources|Map sources]] * [[cachefilter|Cache Filtering]] * [[basicmembers|Basic member limitations]] * [[coordformat|Coordinate formats]] * [[attributes|Attribute icons]] * [[.mainmenu:utilityprograms|Other useful apps]] * [[start#special_functions_and_hints|Special functions and hints]] * [[offlinemaps|Offline map tutorial]] * [[intents|Using Geocaching related links]] * [[nfc|Sharing caches with NFC]] * [[hiddenfunctions|Hidden functions in c:geo]] * [[http://send2.cgeo.org|Send to c:geo]] * [[spoilersync|Synchronizing spoiler pictures from external sources to c:geo]] * [[notecoords|Waypoints created for coordinates in personal notes]] * [[quick_widgets|Using quick access and widgets]] * [[replacedevice|Migrating c:geo to another device]] * [[brouter|Using routed navigation in c:geo]] * [[start#plugins|Plugins and Addon functions]] * [[contacts|Contacts plugin]] * [[start#faq|FAQ]] * [[start#about_this_manual|About this manual]] * [[start#useful_links|Useful links]]