Table des matières

Translation of this User Guide


If you would like to help translating this user guide into another language, please contact us. We will then register an account for you and you can start right away.

In order to help translating this user guide, you should have a basic knowledge about Wiki systems, that's all.

Getting started

After you received an approval for this Wiki, you can start your translation by simply opening an existing English page, changing the language to your translation language (using the language selector at top left) and creating this page in your language. If your target language is not listed there, please inform our team to get it enabled.

When you start creating the page, the Wiki system will automatically insert a FIXME placeholder to remind, that the translation of the page is ongoing and will paste the English page underneath. You should use this as a starting point and one-by-one translate the page.

Once you are done with translation you can remove the FIXME placeholder on top of the page.

Formatting Guideline

Wherever possible, this Wiki uses the normal syntax rules of DokuWiki, but due to the usage of the multilingual translation plugin, some specialties need to be considered:

Don't be afraid

Just start editing…don't be afraid to break something. Due to the Wiki typical revision system you will always be able to restore unwanted changes by reverting to an older revision of the page.

Useful tools