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en:loginproblems [2022/09/21 22:08] – [Login failed: Captcha required] moving-bitsen:loginproblems [2023/06/12 22:32] (current) – [Login failed: Captcha required] moving-bits
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 ==== Login failed: Captcha required ==== ==== Login failed: Captcha required ====
-c:geo has detected, that the geocaching website requires you to solve a Captcha to login. c:geo therefore cannot login. might use such Captcha after detecting consecutive login failures (e.g. due to wrong password). +c:geo has detected, that due to security reasons the geocaching website requires you to solve a Captcha to login. c:geo therefore cannot login.  
 +This can be triggered by the following situations: 
 +  * You tried to login with a wrong password several times 
 +  * You tried to login from a suspicious IP address (e.g. a public WiFi, from a foreign country, using VPN or anonymizer services) 
 +  * The mail address stored in your profile at is not verified or no longer valid 
 +To overcome this problem please proceed as follows:
 <WRAP center round todo 100%> <WRAP center round todo 100%>
-Please login once on the geocaching website using your browser/PCsolve the Captcha there and try again with c:geo after you successfully logged in there.+Use your device'browser to go to geocaching.comlogin to the website and solve the shown CAPTCHA. 
 +Afterwards go to c:geo Start - Menu - Settings - Services - and use "Update authorization" to doublecheck your username and password and try to login again.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Furthermore might use such Captcha, when detecting logins from an suspicious, blacklisted or unidentified IP-address. Such might happen if you use VPN tools, anonymizers (like TOR) or some public Wi-Fi networks. Please deactivate such tools and try again to login with c:geo. You might also want to try logging in with c:geo using a different internet connection (e.g. mobile network instead of Wi-Fi).+Furthermore might use such captcha when detecting logins from an suspicious, blacklisted or unidentified IP-address. Such might happen if you use VPN tools, anonymizers (like TOR) or some public Wi-Fi networks.  
 +<WRAP center round todo 100%> 
 +Please deactivate such tools and try again to login with c:geo. You might also want to try logging in with c:geo using a different internet connection (e.g. mobile network instead of Wi-Fi). 
 If you are using the app on your mobile, it might also help if you open that app, log off, close the app, restart and login again. If you are using the app on your mobile, it might also help if you open that app, log off, close the app, restart and login again.
 ==== Login failed: You must validate your account on the website first ==== ==== Login failed: You must validate your account on the website first ====
en/loginproblems.1663790886.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/21 22:08 by moving-bits