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Map Sources

The following map types are available in c:geo. You can change between the map types in the settings or in the menu of the map.

Name Description
Google:MapAn online street map provided by Google.
Google:SatelliteAn online satellite view map provided by Google.
OSM:MapnikAn online street map provided by OpenStreetMap.
OSM:OfflineOffline maps rendered from map files in Mapsforge format.
Instead of OSM:Offline the names of the available map file will be shown in the selection menu.

Currently c:geo does only support Google maps v1, which are not supporting rotation of the maps. Thus all maps are always displayed northbound. We are however working on implementing a newer Google maps version.

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pt/mapsources.1532567403.txt.gz · Última modificação em: 2018/07/26 03:10 por diogo