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 ====== c:geo的第一步 ====== ====== c:geo的第一步 ======
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 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_03_permission_file.png?direct&300 |}}|点击"下一步"后,系统将请求您授予 c:geo  访问文件系统的权限,以读取和存储数据。这是为了能够离线存储藏点。此外,c:geo 可以导入和导出 GPX 文件、离线日志等。\\ \\  现在将出现一个 Android 对话框,要求您通过点击"允许"来确认。\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_04_permission_file_confirm.png?direct&200 |}} | |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_03_permission_file.png?direct&300 |}}|点击"下一步"后,系统将请求您授予 c:geo  访问文件系统的权限,以读取和存储数据。这是为了能够离线存储藏点。此外,c:geo 可以导入和导出 GPX 文件、离线日志等。\\ \\  现在将出现一个 Android 对话框,要求您通过点击"允许"来确认。\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_04_permission_file_confirm.png?direct&200 |}} |
 |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_05_permission_gps.png?direct&300 |}}|在此屏幕上点击"下一步"后,系统将请求您授予 c:geo 访问您位置的权限。这是必需的,因为 c:geo  需要您的位置来计算到藏点的距离和方向,并在地图上显示您的位置。\\ \\ 现在将出现一个 Android  对话框,要求您通过点击"使用应用期间允许"来确认。\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_06_permission_gps_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}|  |{{:en:firststeps_wizard_05_permission_gps.png?direct&300 |}}|在此屏幕上点击"下一步"后,系统将请求您授予 c:geo 访问您位置的权限。这是必需的,因为 c:geo  需要您的位置来计算到藏点的距离和方向,并在地图上显示您的位置。\\ \\ 现在将出现一个 Android  对话框,要求您通过点击"使用应用期间允许"来确认。\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_06_permission_gps_confirm.png?direct&200 | }}| 
-|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_07_basefolder.png?direct&300 |}}|您需要在下一步创建或选择一个基本文件夹,c:geo将在该文件夹存储所有用户可访问的数据(如 GPX 文件、离线日志等),并获取访问该文件夹的权限。您可以选择任何您想使用的文件夹,但我们建议在您的内部存储中创建一个新文件夹 "/cgeo/"。\\ \\ After tapping on ''Next'' an Android directory selector will show up, which lets you navigate through your folders and allows you to create or select the desired folder. Note the menu I(marked in orange below) which offers more options like selecting the storage (e.g. internal or SD card) or creating a new folder. Once you selected the desired location tap ''Use this folder'' and afterwards tap ''Allow'' to confirm. \\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>As the directory selector is part of your Android operating system it might look slightly different depending on device and Android version.</WRAP>\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_08_basefolder_selector.png?direct&200|}}{{:en:firststeps_wizard_09_basefolder_confirm.png?direct&200|}}| +|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_07_basefolder.png?direct&300 |}}|您需要在下一步创建或选择一个基本文件夹,c:geo将在该文件夹存储所有用户可访问的数据(如 GPX 文件、离线日志等),并获取访问该文件夹的权限。您可以选择任何您想使用的文件夹,但我们建议在您的内部存储中创建一个新文件夹 "/cgeo/"。\\ \\ 点击"Next"后,会出现一个Android目录选择器,您可以浏览文件夹并创建或选择所需的文件夹。注意菜单(下图中橙色标记),它提供了更多选项,如选择存储位置(例如内部存储或SD卡)或创建新文件夹。选择好所需位置后,点击"Use this folder",然后点击"Allow"确认。 \\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>根据设备和Android版本的不同,目录选择器的外观可能略有不同。</WRAP>\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_08_basefolder_selector.png?direct&200|}}{{:en:firststeps_wizard_09_basefolder_confirm.png?direct&200|}}| 
-|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_10_services.png?direct&300 |}}|Now you need to setup the connection to your desired geocaching service by either tapping on ''geocaching.com'' or ''Opencaching & others''.\\ \\ After tapping ''geocaching.com'' you will see the authentication page, where you have to enter your existing login credentials for the website of geocaching.com.\\ \\ If you do not yet own an account, you can go to the account creation page by tapping ''Create an account'' (see orange marked box below). This will open the geocaching.com registration page, where you can create your account.\\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>Please note, that c:geo does not support authorization with GoogleFacebook or Apple. Therefore please use the plain username/password method instead for account creation and login. Learn [[https://faq.cgeo.org/#facebook-login|in our FAQ]] how to retrieve a password for your account.</WRAP>{{:en:firststeps_wizard_11_GCAuth.png?direct&200|}}<WRAP center round help 100%>If the registration fails, please take a look in our [[http://faq.cgeo.org#login-failed|FAQ]] to get help.</WRAP>When tapping ''Opencaching & Others'' on the wizard screen you will instead see a list of supported serviceswhere you can - similar to the example above - select the desired service and afterwards authorize to those geocaching services or create an account.\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_14_OCAuth.png?direct&200 | }}| +|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_10_services.png?direct&300 |}}|需要在"geocaching.com"或"Opencaching&others"授权藏宝相关服务。\\ \\ 点击"geocaching.com"后,您将看到认证页面,需要输入您在geocaching.com网站上的登录凭据。\\ \\ 如果您还没有账户,可以通过点击"Create an account"(见下方橙色标记框)进入账户创建页面。这将打开geocaching.com的注册页面,您可以在那里创建您的账户。\\ \\ <WRAP center round info 100%>请注意,c:geo不支持使用GoogleFacebookApple进行授权。因此,请使用普通的用户名/密码方法进行账户创建和登录。在 [[https://faq.cgeo.org/#facebook-login|常见问题]] 中了解如何找回账户密码。</WRAP>{{:en:firststeps_wizard_11_GCAuth.png?direct&200|}}<WRAP center round help 100%>如果注册失败,请查看 [[http://faq.cgeo.org#login-failed|常见问题]] 以获得帮助。</WRAP>点击"Opencaching & Others",您将看到支持的服务列表,您可以选择所需的服务,然后授权给c:geo,操作同上。\\ {{:en:firststeps_wizard_14_OCAuth.png?direct&200 | }}| 
-|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_15_Advanced.png?direct&300 |}}|This step of the wizard provides advanced setup options, which are optional. Experienced users might use this step to download offline maps, companion Router apps or restore existing c:geo backups.\\ Here are some links to the relevant user guide pages for these advanced features:\\ \\ [[.:offlinemaps|Downloading and using offline maps with c:geo]]\\ [[.:brouter|Using Brouter with c:geo]]\\ [[.:mainmenu:settings#restore|Restoring backups]]\\ \\ If you are first time user you might just select ''Skip'' for now. The mentioned options can also be configured manually at a later point of time.+|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_15_Advanced.png?direct&300 |}}|在配置向导中有高级设置选项,用户可以下载离线地图、配置导航应用或恢复原有cgeo备份。\\ 以下是这些高级功能相关指南页面的链接:\\ \\ [[.:offlinemaps|cgeo下载和使用离线地图]]\\ [[.:brouter|cgeo使用Brouter]]\\ [[.:mainmenu:settings#restore|恢复备份]]\\ \\ 如果您是新用户,可以选择"Skip"。上述选项也可以在以后手动配置。
-|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_16_done.png?direct&300 |}}|The least screen of the configuration wizard provides a summary of the results. Ideally it should look like the example shown.\\ If some steps are shown as not completed you might use ''Previous'' to go back and check again, else just tap on ''Finish'' to close the wizard.\\ \\ **Happy Caching with c:geo!**| +|{{:en:firststeps_wizard_16_done.png?direct&300 |}}|配置向导的最后一个页面显示结果摘要,理想情况下应该如示例所示。\\ 如果某些步骤显示为未完成,您可以使用"Previous"返回并再次检查,否则只需点击"Finish"关闭向导。\\ \\ **Happy Caching with c:geo!**|
- +
-After completing the configuration wizard you will be taken to the c:geo main screen. +
-Continue on our [[.:basicuse|Basic use page]] to learn how to find your first cache with c:geo. +
- +
- +
 +继续阅读 [[.:basicuse|基本操作]] 以了解怎样使用c:geo找到第一个宝藏。
zh/firststeps.txt · 最后更改: 2025/01/15 12:47 由 nancy