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en:coordformat [2018/06/19 17:28] – Spell check lineflyeren:coordformat [2021/01/23 22:34] (current) – Replace click by tap lineflyer
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 The MinDec format is commonly used for Geocaching purposes. The MinDec format is commonly used for Geocaching purposes.
-For existing coordinates in cache or waypoints you can change the displayed format by short click on the coordinates.+For existing coordinates in cache or waypoints you can change the displayed format by short tap on the coordinates.
 When using the [[coordinatedialog|coordinate input dialog]] you can select the desired format in the headline of the dialog according to the notations listed above except UTM, which is not yet supported as input format. When using the [[coordinatedialog|coordinate input dialog]] you can select the desired format in the headline of the dialog according to the notations listed above except UTM, which is not yet supported as input format.
en/coordformat.1529422114.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/19 17:28 by lineflyer