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en:mainmenu:goto [2021/01/23 22:43] – Replace Click by Tap (Capital letter) lineflyeren:mainmenu:goto [2022/02/13 23:14] (current) – Change to SVG lineflyer
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Go to menu ====== ====== Go to menu ======
-{{:main_any_default.png?nolink&100 |}}+{{:main_any_default.svg?nolink&100 |}}
 The "Go to..." menu can be used to navigate to arbitrary coordinates not bound to any geocache or geocache waypoint or to make a waypoint projection.\\  The "Go to..." menu can be used to navigate to arbitrary coordinates not bound to any geocache or geocache waypoint or to make a waypoint projection.\\ 
en/mainmenu/goto.1611438204.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/23 22:43 by lineflyer