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Icônes des attributs

Cette page donne un aperçu de toutes les icônes d'attributs utilisées dans c:geo. Les icônes d'attributs sont utilisées par un propriétaire de cache pour décrire les attributs d'un cache et sont affichées sur la page des détails des caches.

Vous pouvez appuyer sur la section des attributs dans les détails du cache pour afficher une description textuelle au lieu des icônes.

La plupart des icônes peuvent être annulées si elles sont utilisées avec ceci : (par exemple, “Disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7” serait annulé par “Non disponible 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7”).

Tous les attributs ne sont pas disponibles pour tous les services de géocaching

Icône Description
The geocache is located in an abandoned building
Aircraft needed
Available at all seasons
Mathematical tasks need to be solved
Ask the owner for information
This is an audio cache
Available 24/7 (at all times)
Bicycles are allowed
You might need a boat for this cache
Birds might be breeding near the cache
You have to bring your own pen, as there is none in the cache
Campfires are allowed
Camping is allowed
The geocache is located in a cave
The geocache is located in the vicinity of a cliff
Climbing will be required for this geocache
You will need a compass for this geocache
Animals might be present in vicinity of the geocache
The geocache is located in a dangerous area
Dangerous animals might be present in vicinity of the geocache
This geocache is available at day time
Dogs are allowed
The geocache will require easy climbing
An entrance fee is required to find this geocache
A puzzle or some other quests needs to solved in the field
This geocache currently needs owner maintenance as reported by another geocacher
A flashlight is required
Food is available nearby
The cache is located on private grounds
Fuel ist available nearby
This cache is a Geohotel
This cache is part of a Geotour
Long hike (>10km) required
Medium hike (<10km) required
Short hike (<1km) required
The cache requires relevant hiking
The cache is in a mountain area
A historic site is nearby
Horses/Riding is allowed
The cache is located in a hunting area
The cache is located under or in water
The cache is located inside a building
The cache requires investigation or preparation
Jeeps/4WD allowed
The cache is suitable for kids
The cache is part of a Lost&Found adventure
This cache is a letterbox
This cache has an electronic logbook (you will only find a link to it)
The cache involves magnetic components or a magnet is required to find the cache
The cache is located in a mine
Motorcycles are allowed
This is moving cache
The cache is located in a natural environment
This cache is recommended to be done at night time
This is a night cache
A GPS device is not required to find this cache
This cache is only available on Opencaching
This is an offset/multi cache
Finding this cache needs (less than) one hour
Overnight stay required
Car parking is available
You can park your car next to the cache (Park & Grab)
This is a partnership cache
This cache can be done by pedestrians only
Phone available nearby
Picnic tables nearby
The cache is nearby a point of interest
Poisenous plants nearby the cache
Public transport available
Solving a puzzle is require to find the cache
Quads/ATV allowed
This is a quick to find cache
Railway available
Aid climbing required
Restrooms available
Mobile homes allowed
Special tools required
This is a Safari cache (Opencaching)
Scenic view nearby
Scuba gear required
Access to cache might depend on season
Shovel required
Skiing requires/allowed
Specific access times apply
Cache is snow proof
Snow mobiles allowed
Snow shoes required
Cache only available at specific times
Stealth required
Cache is stroller accessible
Cache has an electronic marker
Swamp nearby
Swimming required
Cache requires teamwork
Thorns nearby
Ticks nearby
Cache might depend on tide
Touristic cache
Cache requires tree climbing
Unknown attribute
USB cache
UV light required
Cache might require wading
Drinking water available
Webcam nearby the cache
WheriGo cache
Cache available in winter time
Cache includes a wireless beacon
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fr/attributes.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/03/09 17:54 de paulhenrysaux