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资源 详情
Google Play这是安装和更新c:geo最简单的方式,您还可以定期收到最新版本的更新推送。如果您有Google账号并可以在设备上使用Google Play应用,建议使用这种方式安装和更新c:geo。
APK文件如果您无法使用Google Play (并且有直接安装应用的经验), 可以从我们的Github仓库上下载c:geo最新版本的APK文件。
:!: 请注意,在这种情况下,您将不会收到Google Play的更新推送。但是,如果您的版本已经过时,c:geo主页会显示 notification ,您需要手动下载新的APK文件来更新。



权限 详情
照片/媒体/文件一旦您将藏宝点设为离线使用,c:geo将把数据写入到您的手机储存或SD卡。 此外,c:geo将使用您的手机存储进行文件的导入和导出以及离线地图的读取。





如果您是从Google Play安装的c:geo,一旦有新版本您将会收到Google Play的更新通知。您只需跟随通知指示或在Google Play中打开c:geo以进行更新。


您可以点击该消息以获取更多信息(存在临时问题时)或前往Google Play更新您的安装(有更新通知时)。

Beta version

If a new version is considered to be ready to be released (a so called “Release candidate”), we might in a first step make it available as beta version to get user feedback and be able to find bugs or problems we did not yet see during the development.

Usually these beta versions are stable, still there is a small possibility that not all functions work as expected. However we encourage you to use them, as this really helps us a lot!

The beta versions are also distributed over Google Play and work seamlessly together with updating from and to our release versions automatically. All you need to do is enable beta testing for c:geo on Google Play by following this link:

Become beta tester for c:geo!

After you activated the beta testing, you will receive beta versions alongside with the official versions via Google Play. This means, that you will still receive all official versions but also additionally receive an update if a newer beta version is available. Furthermore you can as a beta tester send us your feedback and problem reports via a dedicated Google Play feedback form.

While you are subscribed to the beta testing Google Play (for some reason) always shows c:geo(Beta) in the store entry, also while we currently might not even have an active beta version but you are on the official release version. If you look into About c:geo you can check if you are currently using a beta version: If there is a suffix -RC in the version number, it is a beta version.

If you wish to discontinue beta testing just use the link above and deselect the beta testing mode. Afterwards you might need to uninstall the beta version from your device and reinstall the normal version from Google Play.

Development version

Check the development section of our homepage to learn more about development versions and our so called nightly builds.

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zh/installation.1717739225.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2024/06/07 07:47 由 nancy