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Geocache marker icons

On the live map as well as on the list of your stored caches c:geo might show small marker icons in the corners of a geocache icon to provide additional information without the need to open the cache details.

The following table describes the meaning of these markers:

Marker Name Description
StoredThis geocache is stored offline in one of your lists.
This marker is only shown on the map but not in your lists, as it is logical that all caches in your lists are already stored. :-)
FoundYou have already found this geocache.
OwnedThis is one of your own geocaches.
Personal noteA personal note is stored for this geocache.
Modified coordinatesYou set new cache coordinates for this cache and it is now displayed at this modified coordinates instead of the original coordinates. A useful feature for solved mysteries or multis.
Offline Found LogYou have stored an offline found log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
Offline Not Found LogYou have stored an offline „Did not find“ log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
Offline Note LogYou have stored an offline note log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
Offline Needs Maintenance LogYou have stored an offline „Needs maintenance“ log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
Offline Owner Maintenance LogYou have stored an offline „Owner Maintenance“ log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status is specific for cache owners and will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
Offline Needs Archived LogYou have stored an offline „Needs archived“ log for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
Offline Unknown LogYou have stored an offline log of a special or unknown type for this geocache but not yet submitted this log online.
This status will only be shown as long as the log is offline.
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de/cachemarkers.1531996705.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/07/19 12:38 von lineflyer