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Gebruiker gedefineerde caches

Je kunt gebruiker gedefinieerde caches maken met c: geo. Die kunnen b.v. dienen voor het plannen van je eigen caches en voor het vastleggen van enkele interessante punten. Bovendien maakt c: geo ook automatisch een speciale door de gebruiker gedefinieerde cache om je "Ga naar" doelen.

Gebruiker gedefineerde cachesworden getoond met het cache type indicator van virtuele caches in je lijsten en op de kaart.

Hoewel je een door de gebruiker gedefinieerde cache zou kunnen gebruiken om je eigen cache-hides te plannen, is het niet mogelijk om je nieuwe cache in te dienen via c: geo. Door de gebruiker gedefinieerde caches zijn slechts een kleine hulp bij het plannen van je schuilplaats, maar hebben geen enkele online functie om ze in te dienen bij de geocachingplatforms.

Creation of user defined caches

You can create user defined caches in two ways:

  1. Open a list of saved caches and select Manage CachesCreate user defined cache from the list menu.
  2. Long tap on the map to trigger creation of a user defined cache. This long tap function needs to be enabled in map behavior settings.

After performing on of these actions you will be prompted for the title of the user defined caches to be created.

Afterwards the user defined cache is created and stored either on the current list (if created from the list menu) or on your default list (if created by long tap on the map).

If the cache was created from the map it will already have cache coordinates as defined by the location you tapped on. If you created it from the list the cache coordinates will be empty until you create a waypoint and assign its coordinates as listing coordinates.

This is how a typical user defined cache could look like:

Waypoints Details Description

Handling of user defined caches

Besides the fact, that you created the cache yourself, it is handled in the same way as all other caches in c:geo (like creating waypoints, moving to another list, etc.). Some functions however are not (yet) possible due to the fact, that it is no ordinary cache:

Function Limitation
Cache typeUser defined caches is an own cache type in c:geo.
Cache DescriptionIt is not yet possible to enter custom text into the cache description. It will only contain “This is a user defined cache”. It is planned to add this function in future versions of c:geo. As a workaround you can use the personal note and/or the waypoint descriptions.
GeocodeThe geocode will be automatically assigned by c:geo (using the prefix ZZ). You cannot change it.
D/T, SizeIt is not possible to enter this information for user defined caches.
AttributesAttributes are not supported for user defined caches.
LoggingAs it is your locally created cache it is not possible to post logs for it.
LogbookAs your locally created cache cannot be logged by anyone, it does not have a logbook tab.
RefreshAs the user defined cache is only stored locally you cannot refresh it to/from any server.
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nl/udc.1622153737.txt.gz · Laatst gewijzigd: 2021/05/28 00:15 door linstylemon