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Hidden functions

While we try to make every function of c:geo as accessible and self explanatory as possible, there are still some shortcuts and advanced functions, which you might not find right away.

All of these hidden functions are also explained in the relevant section of this user guide, but for those of you who are already familiar with all the main c:geo functions we additionally collected them here as it might enhance your usage experience:

How to access Function Link to user guide section
Long press on stored caches icon Will let you directly pick one of your stored lists and open it, instead of first opening the list and then using the top bar to select another listMain Menu
Long press on search iconWill show you a list of recently viewed cachesMain Menu
Long press on disc icon in cache details or map popupWill not ask for the list, where the cache shall be saved but instead use the last selection and save itLive Map
Cache Details
Long press on pencil icon in cache detailsMove already saved caches to another listCache Details
Long press on compass rose icon in cache details or map popupWhile a short tap will start your default navigation, a long tap on this icon will start your secondary preferred navigation (Default=Map, can be changed in settings).Live Map
Cache Details
Tap on filter notification on map or lists or filter-icon of the top bar menuIn case you have set a filter the active filtering will be shown by a filter indication at the top of the screen below the top bar menu. Tapping on this indication will directly open the corresponding filter settings to change/remove the filter.Cache Filtering
Long press on filter notification on map or lists or filter-icon of the top bar menuIn case you have set a filter the active filtering will be shown by a filter indication at the top of the screen below the top bar menu. A long tap on this indication will open a list of the stored filters to change the active filter.Cache Filtering
Long tap on any icon of the top bar menuLong tap on any of the icons shown in the top bar menu throughout c:geo (except the compass rose, due to its different long tap function as described above) will show an info text with its associated function. You can use this, if you are unsure about the meaning of a menu icon.e.g.Logging Geocaches
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en/hiddenfunctions.1644849566.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/14 15:39 by lineflyer