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Waypoints created for coordinates in personal notes

Automatic creation of waypoints

If your personal note of a cache contains valid coordinates (e.g. N50 10.123 E010 34.876) c:geo will automatically create a waypoint from it in the waypoint tab of this cache.

If for example this is the content of your personal note:

c:geo will automatically create this waypoint for it:

Subsequent coordinates in your personal note will also be transferred to a waypoint in the same way and the waypoint name numbered accordingly.

If the owner defined waypoints of a cache contain the same coordinates as your personal note, c:geo will not create a waypoint for these coordinates as it assumes them to be an unneccesary duplicate in this case.

Using keywords for waypoint types

Normally c:geo will define the waypoint type for coordinates found in the personal note as Reference Point, however you can use keywords in your personal note to enforce another waypoint type being used:

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en/notecoords.1560335309.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/12 12:28 by lineflyer